
Potential Audience: Industrial sectors like operators, content providers and content distribution platform providers or a combination thereof. This also includes their users (customer base) to deliver similar multimedia services beyond conventional means. Academia also may use VITAL++ facilities in order to test and compare new P2P algorithms and schedulers for content delivery.

What can be tested: Operators or content delivery network providers could use VITAL++ testbed in order to distribute content to a pilot customer base using P2P (evaluation of alternative content distribution). Furthermore following the VITAL++ paradigm, they can adapt their existing telecom infrastructure in order to accelerate P2P operations by making use VITAL++ interfaces (use of hybrid VITAL++ client). New P2P algorithms and schedulers proposed by researchers can be incorporated in order to be evaluated by being compared with existing ones.

How can I test: Currently, there are no prerequisites for testing. Adaptation and customisation of VITAL++ client and tune of the IMS infrastructure with the requestor’s infrastructure or applications depending on the scale of the testing. When can I test and how much does it cost: Currently, the network and client architecture are under specification. Likely time for VITAL++ availability is beginning of 2010. The envisaged costs are mainly due to any adaptation works. In case of a need for a telecoms environment by the customers, this can be requested from other experimental facilities like Panlab.

Testing Beyond VITAL++ context: Although VITAL++ is targeting at content delivery, a number of key architectural components can be used and become useful in other contexts like storage, monitoring applications. To this end, other EU projects may make use of the VITAL++ experimental facility too.

Can the availability be guaranteed: Yes, some of the partners are willing to maintain the experimental facility beyond the lifetime of the project, provided of course that there is interest for its usage.